How Are Dental Inlays And Onlays Done? – Part 2
March 18, 2016
are popular restoration options. Typically, receiving a dental inlay or onlay requires two trips to see Dr. Faist.
The procedure for receiving an inlay or onlay are very similar. At you first appointment, Dr. Faist will remove any decay or damage from the tooth. The tooth is then cleaned and prepared for your dental inlay or onlay. Also during your first appointment, Dr. Faist will take digital impression. These impressions will be sent to a dental lab where your inlay or onlay will be manufactured. While you permanent restoration is being made, Dr. Faist will place a temporary cover over your tooth.
At your second appointment, Dr. Faist will begin by removing the temporary covering he placed on your tooth. Next, Dr. Faist will check to make sure that your dental inlay or onlay is going to fit correctly. After Dr. Faist perfects the fit of you inlay or onlay he will bond the inlay or onlay using a strong resin adhesive. Finally, Dr. Faist will polish your inlay or onlay to smooth it out and maximize it’s aesthetics.
Both visits to Dr. Faist will take approximately one hour to finish. The first appointment can sometimes take longer if more prep is needed than originally thought. Some discomfort is expected after your inlay or onlay is installed. However, this discomfort should subside as your mouth adjusts to your new inlay or onlay. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about dental inlays or onlays please contact Dr. Faist at his office in Beachwood, OH.
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