Orange Place Family Dentistry Blog
Sleep Therapy | Treatment Options For Sleep Apnea
June 20, 2017
Did you read our last blog post? If not, you can read it here. In it, Dr. Faist talked about the two types of sleep apnea: OSA and CSA. If you snore, wake up not feeling rested, or have excessive daytime sleepiness, you may have one of these kinds of sleep apnea. If you do have OSA or CSA, you should seek treatment ASAP. Unfortunately, sleep apnea has been linked to many more serious diseases if left untreated.
(more…)Health and Wellness | Sleep Apnea: OSA and CSA
June 5, 2017
A couple weeks ago, Dr. Faist introduced snoring and sleep apnea to our blog. In this article, Dr. Faist discussed several things that cause snoring, sleep apnea, and many potential side effects of snoring.
(more…)Oral Health | Snoring Is Just An Annoying Noise, Right?
May 22, 2017
Are you a snorer? Do people complain about having to sleep next to you, or in the same room as you? If so, you are not alone as a study shows that 45% of people frequently snore, per the American Academy of Otolaryngology. With this being said, is snoring just an annoying noise that keeps people awake, or is it more serious than that?
(more…)Oral Health and Wellness | Why You Really Shouldn’t Skip Out On Breakfast
May 8, 2017
Do you know what the most important meal of the day is?
It is a meal that is often skipped. We hear all the time about the importance of breakfast, and with good reason.
(more…)Oral Health | The Argument For Chewing Gum
April 24, 2017
Chewing gum has been around since the 1800s, when settlers to America developed the habit from Native Americans.
However, over time, it has been said that chewing gum is not good for your oral health. While this is true in certain cases, like when someone is suffering from TMD or the gum is packed with sugar, it is often a false narrative.
(more…)Periodontal Disease | A Connection to Heart Disease?
April 10, 2017
Do you, or one of your loved ones, suffer from periodontal disease? If so, you may want to listen up.
Recently, there have been some studies that show that there may be a connection between periodontal disease and heart disease. These connections continue to be studied by researchers.
(more…)Periodontal Disease | What’s Under Your Gum Line?
March 27, 2017
Did you know that your teeth have something in common with icebergs?
Yes, you read that correctly, your teeth—like icebergs—have a lot beneath the surface that we do not see.
(more…)Oral Wellness | Is It Still Necessary To Visit the Dentist Twice a Year
March 13, 2017
As technology advances, so do our dental hygiene products. More of our toothpastes and mouthwashes contain fluoride which helps to fight cavities and restore tooth enamel. Additionally, we have high tech toothbrushes that utilize phone apps to determine how well we are brushing our teeth. With all this said, many people question if it is still necessary to maintain two oral wellness visits per year.
(more…)Oral Health and Wellness | Concerns About Oral Cancer
February 27, 2017
Have you smoked cigarettes during your adult life? Or, have your loved ones smoked cigarettes? If so, you may be concerned about the possibility of you, or your loved ones, developing oral cancer. Later in this article, Dr. Faist in Beachwood, OH will provide some common signs and symptoms of oral cancer.
(more…)Gum Disease | What is the Difference Between Gingivitis and Gum Disease?
February 13, 2017
Do you know what all goes into keeping your teeth in place?
It requires healthy gums, bones, and ligaments. When you have gum disease or gingivitis, your gum tissue and bone may become damaged. But, how does this disease begin to form?