Orange Place Family Dentistry Blog
Tooth Restoration: Should I Have My Amalgam Fillings Replaced?
January 30, 2017
From time to time, we have a patient who is concerned about the safety of their amalgam-type filling(s), a tooth restoration that used to be quite common. The reason for concern is due to the mercury that is present in amalgams. Due to this, amalgams are often blamed for health issues like Autism, Alzheimer’s, and MS.
(more…)Health and Wellness: Be Healthier in 2017
January 17, 2017
2017 is well underway, and you made your New Year’s resolution to be healthier, right? Maybe you know some easy steps to improve your health and wellness: stop smoking, lose weight, and eat healthy. But, Dr. Faist in Beachwood, OH has a few more tips to improve your health and wellness, feel healthier, have more energy, and boost your mood!
(more…)Is There A Difference Between A Regular Toothbrush and Electric?
October 6, 2016
Advantages of Electric Toothbrushes
Do you want to take the best care of your teeth as possible? Do you ever wonder if you should be using an electric toothbrush or if you are actually gaining an advantage by using one? The fact of the matter is if you use a regular toothbrush for the proper amount of time you will see the same results as if you are using an electric toothbrush.
(more…)Things To Know About Tooth Sensitivity – Part 3
July 5, 2016
Teeth Sensitivity – Part 3
Dental Sensitivity might be caused by several variables. They include but are not limited to:
(more…)Things To Know About Tooth Sensitivity – Part 2
June 21, 2016
Sensitive Teeth – Part 2
- Dental Trauma – A tooth may be sensitive to even light tension if it has been hurt in any way, “damaged” and even cracked (by chomping downward on food). Sometimes even having your teeth cleaned or a filling done might trigger sensitivity. Receptiveness to injury can takes weeks or maybe months to pass.
Things To Know About Tooth Sensitivity – Part 1
June 8, 2016
Sensitive Teeth
Just about half of the U.S. population encounter some sort of dental sensitivity. These kinds of reactions may occur when biting into something hot or cold, or even things that are sweet or sour. The pain could be mild or acute, short-term or endure for several hours.
(more…)Increase Your Oral Wellness by Eating these Edibles – Part 2
May 13, 2016
Continuing from our previous article, we will be reviewing four additional foods that could help to enrich your overall oral health.
(more…)Increase Your Oral Wellness By Eating These Edibles – Part 1
April 29, 2016
Eat these foods for optimal oral health
Our patients are frequently looking for different things to try in order to improve their oral health. An excellent way to look after a bright and healthful smile is to make overall wellness your top priority. Keeping attentive regarding just how we regard our body is critical to being healthier inside and out.
(more…)Options Available for Changing the Shape of Teeth
April 14, 2016
Change the Shape of your Teeth with Quality Cosmetic Dentistry Options
Modern dentistry offers a number of ways in which the shape and appearance of teeth can be changed. This includes things like repairing chips and damage, closing gaps in teeth, or making teeth look longer. Here are the most common options:
(more…)Dental Sealants
April 1, 2016
Because your back teeth (the molars and premolars) have groves that tend to trap food particles and germs, and are hard to clean with a toothbrush, they are likely areas for tooth decay to form. As tooth decay needs to be removed, and the tooth filled, this leads to weakened teeth. A better solution is preventative action with dental sealants.