Don’t Forget to Take Care of Your Toothbrush
March 14, 2018
Although we spend a lot of time stressing the importance of proper brushing and flossing, caring for your toothbrush is just as important.
(more…)Cosmetic Dentistry: What Is a Porcelain Veneer?
August 2, 2017
Cosmetic dentistry is the fastest growing area of dentistry right now. The reason for this is that it is easier now than ever to change the shape, size, and color of your teeth to have a perfect smile. One product, veneers, offers patients an incredibly easy way to improve the aesthetics of their smile in all aspects.
(more…)Options Available for Changing the Shape of Teeth
April 14, 2016
Change the Shape of your Teeth with Quality Cosmetic Dentistry Options
Modern dentistry offers a number of ways in which the shape and appearance of teeth can be changed. This includes things like repairing chips and damage, closing gaps in teeth, or making teeth look longer. Here are the most common options:
(more…)How Are Dental Inlays And Onlays Done? – Part 2
March 18, 2016
are popular restoration options. Typically, receiving a dental inlay or onlay requires two trips to see Dr. Faist.
(more…)What Foods and Beverages Can Stain My Teeth?
January 18, 2016
Are your teeth more stained that you would like them to be?
Do you want whiter teeth?
If you do, there are many foods that you should avoid in order to maintain a bright white smile. The reason for this is that the microscopic ridges on all your teeth can trap particles of food and drink on your teeth and cause discoloration.
(more…)8 Ways To Stop Grinding Your Teeth
November 25, 2015
Do you ever wake up with a headache or sore jaw?
Are your teeth more sensitive to hot and cold drinks or sugary candies?
Many people believe they have a cavity when in fact they are grinding their teeth.