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A Look Into Why Dental Fillings Can Fail

December 29, 2018

Filed under: Dental Care,Dental Services,Oral Health — Tags: , — Dr. Faist & Dr. Koops @ 1:22 pm

Research published in Frontiers in Medicine looked into amalgam and composite dental fillings and a number of factors which might lead them to fail.

A few of the factors looked at included age, sex, drinking alcohol, smoking, periodontal health, diabetes, and genetics. Records of 4,856 individuals over five years were included as a part of the study.


Tooth Restoration: Should I Have My Amalgam Fillings Replaced?

January 30, 2017

From time to time, we have a patient who is concerned about the safety of their amalgam-type filling(s), a tooth restoration that used to be quite common. The reason for concern is due to the mercury that is present in amalgams. Due to this, amalgams are often blamed for health issues like Autism, Alzheimer’s, and MS.
